Affordable Funeral and Cremation Services is one of many funeral service providers in Jackson, TN. The director of AFACS is Ms. Donna Lilly. She is licensed by the state of Tennessee and has 18 prior years of experience in lending an empathetic hand to many mourning families. Ms. Lilly is known for her many positive qualities, such as her compassion, sympathy, and, most notably, her congenial nature.
Mr. L.A. Springfield (non-licensed) is the founder and owner of AFACS. He, too, has 18 years of experience in the funeral service business. While being the owner and founder of AFACS, he is also a pastor. Mr. Springfield has been a pastor since 1975 and has many admirable qualities. His compassion and cordiality are two of his numerous qualities.
Both Mr. Springfield and Ms. Lilly, alike, are known to be benevolent individuals who are devoted to their career and families of the departed.

Our Staff
As every funeral service provider should, we have staff members who empathize heavily with every family that wishes to receive our services. We are courteous of your specific wants and requirements and make your preferences ours. Understanding a family's grieving process is direly important, and we make it one of our top priorities to mold our services around your family's desires.